$33.00 USD

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GUSH: Nectar of the Goddess

The art of female ejaculation & G-spot orgasms


  • June 14th at 10:00 - 11:30am PST

  • Join via Zoom

(Recording available post Masterclass)


Is squirting real? Is it possible for everyone? Is it sexy or strange?

I get a lot of different questions and responses when it comes to female ejaculation, and I want to give you the full scoop on this juicy topic once and for all.

In this Masterclass, I’m going to lead you through a conversation that will open your body up to the possibility of experiencing more juicy pleasure and G-spot orgasms.

We will explore this topic in sacredness, connecting your physical vessel & anatomy to your truth & desires.

Prepare to experience a limitless amount of pleasure. (No partner necessary.)

Join me!