A Temple space to honor your feminine anatomy & reclaim your divine power.

A Temple space to honor your feminine anatomy & reclaim your divine power.

We are being called back to the Temple of Remembrance.

To a slower pace, a more feminine rhythm.
To know ourselves deeply, to tend to our flesh and blood bodies with reverence & devotion.
To spend more time in Nature, walking on the Earth, Praying to the Divine, and communing in Sisterhood.
The Offering is my Prayer for you, for Womankind, that we may remember and return home to meet ourselves again.
It's a Temple space to be in devotion to your sacred anatomy, and receive the feminine wisdom teachings.
It's a Ceremony to honor your physical body, commune with your Spirit, and be in self-care ritual.
It's a Remembrance that you are your own Healer, the Medicine Woman of your life, and for our future generations.
It's a Reclamation back to your Divine Feminine power and knowing.
It’s a Homecoming, a rites of passage for those ready to meet themselves again.
I place The Offering on this Altar for you.
Come, be held…

A devotional journey back to your body and truth


You are ready to feel the sacredness of home within yourself and to claim the power that is all of you.

You are ready to know yourself, to tend to yourself, to hold yourself in sacred devotion. 

You are ready to embody a holy place within you that is expansive enough to hold your entirety, and to walk through each day with an unwavering confidence in who you are.

This is the sacred work of whole body healing, and it is where your journey begins. 


You will honor your story and reclaim parts of yourself that have been questioned or lost along the way…

  • You will become intimate and familiar with your female body and your sacred anatomy.

  • You will be guided to the remembrance of your innate feminine wisdom.

  • You will begin to live in devotion to the tending & caring of your wholeness.

  • You will learn to prioritize your health and wellbeing above all else.

  • You will tune into the deep rhythm & flow of you, and the wisdom of your body.

  • You will learn to tend to your sacred vessel, the flesh and blood of your life.

  • You will experience a homecoming, a remembering that invites you to know yourself again.

You will remember who you came here to be.


The divinity of your body is home, 


The prayer of your womb holds the answer, 


And the light of your soul leads the way. 

Inside The Offering, you will:

  • Explore your female physiology and reclaim body literacy so that you can come back into right relationship with your physical being. 
  • Experience Sacred Pelvic Care as a devotional healing tool that will support your physical, spiritual, mental & emotional self. 
  • Educate yourself on your SELF - who you are, what you want, and how to receive it.
  • Embody your feminine divinity. All of you is Sacred, Holy, Divine.

The Offering is trauma informed, it is holy, it is hands on, and it is part of self-care that often gets overlooked…until now. 

The Offering will provide you with a re-education and renewed understanding of your physical self. 



Sacred Mystery 
This is a divine call back to your feminine power and an invitation to remember your Holiness. It is an honoring of your womanhood and Herstory, a recognition of your seasons & cycles, and an initiation into the rites & rituals of the divine feminine. This is TEMPLE work.

Anatomy of Self 
This is a rites-of-passage into the deep wisdom of your feminine body. It is the re-education and true knowing of your sacred female anatomy. This is RECLAMATION work.

Meaningful Self-Care
This is learning how to honor and tend to your whole Self. It is hands-on sacred self care and the knowledge that you are your own Healer. This is BODY work. 

Highest Healing
This is a return to the deepest truth of your wholeness, vitality, and life force. It is a weaving together of all the parts - the body, the mind, the heart, the Spirit, into an unshakeable connection to Self. This is SOUL work.

Three months. 

Devotional work. 

Lifetimes of healing. 



  • You feel alive and intuitively connected to your body…
  • You feel attuned to the rhythm of your heart and you can hear the whispers of your truth…
  • You live with an awakened spirit, you are full of sensation…
  • You are a liberated woman who stands in her power, trust and knowing.
  • This is The Offering: return to the Temple and come home to yourself. 


Each Online Temple will be an exploration into another layer of your feminine form & sacred anatomy.


The Offering



Spirit | prayer


Earth | pelvis



Air | breath


Water | breasts


Fire | belly


Source | yoni


Creation | womb


Sacred Living


 Rites of Passage






My bare feet upon the Earth.

Attuning my Spirit.

Remembering my True North.

Sometimes we just need to sit quietly in the dawn light.

And be touched deeply by the feeling...


The Offering is a feeling experience.

It is like the dawn, filled with hope & possibility.

It is a deep listening to the rhythm & flow of you, and the wisdom of your body. 

It is the tending to your sacred vessel, the flesh and blood of your life.

It is a homecoming, a remembering for those ready to meet themselves again.

It is a feeling...




All Content is pre-recorded for a self-led journey through The Offering.

  • Weekly pre-recorded modules that include: 

    • wisdom teachings.

    • sacred anatomy lessons.

    • embodiment practices.

    • guided meditations.

    • self bodywork rituals.

    • daily devotional practices.

  • Devotional Ceremony

  • Resources for ongoing support




A weekly online Live Group gathering to be in Sacred Ceremony & Sisterhood together.


  • All pre-recorded content from the Self-Led Journey.

  • 2 LIVE Online Temple Calls per month for community, connection, Sisterhood, Q+A, and Mentorship.

  • 2 LIVE Online Devotional Ceremonies per month.

  • Weekly group Voxer day. (phone messaging App for group chats.)

  • Close proximity Mentorship with Suzi. 

  • A Sister Council of powerful Women.


Sacred Pelvic Care + Ceremonial Bodywork + Feminine Rites of Passage

Suzi was initiated into Sacred Pelvic Care after suddenly losing her womb to ovarian cancer at age 30. A radical hysterectomy left her feeling numb in her body, disconnected from her pelvic space, and longing to awaken her feminine senses again. 

After years of feeling removed from pleasure and living out of alignment with her femininity - Suzi worked with spiritual mentors, bodyworkers, ancient medicine & prayer to reawaken her divine inner wisdom.

So began Suzi’s journey to reclaim the art of healing the female body through sacred pelvic care, ceremonial body work & honoring feminine rites of passages. 

Decades into her work, Suzi is a sought after Medicine Woman offering healing sessions online and in-person in her home Temple space. She brings an extensive education, experience, and knowledge of yoga, bodywork, breathwork, ritual, sexuality & ceremony into her work. 

Every session with Suzi will guide you on a deep devotional healing journey back to the power & truth of your sacred Self - pelvis, womb, yoni, & Spirit.

Suzi is a clear voice for whole body healing and is a long-time advocate and educator of women’s pelvic health and womb care to support physical, spiritual, mental & emotional healing for women. She facilitates feminine rites of passage & rituals to honor the cycles & seasons of life and holds deep reverence for Nature & the Elements.

Suzi leads high-touch curated in-person Immersive Experiences, Retreats, & Ceremonial Bodywork on Orcas Island, WA. (Or your chosen location.) She also offers intimate 1:1 Mentorship, and online trainings & courses.

You can follow Suzi on Instagram @suzizobrist